Small Business

What Happens if Your Business Gets Audited by the IRS?

Benefits of Freight Bill Factoring

Benefits of Freight Bill Factoring

Freight transport companies often have to operate under very high expenses. These businesses may...
Reasons Why Your Company Should Factor

Reasons Why Your Company Should Factor

Invoice factoring offers many benefits for companies of all sizes especially those with small...
Government Contractor Factoring

Government Contractor Factoring

Does your company do business with the U.S. government? If so, you probably appreciate the regular...
Government Contract Financing

Government Contract Financing

Do you work on government contracts? If so, you may find that your business can be extremely...
Alternative to Loans for Your Growth

Invoice Factoring: An Alternative to Loans for Your Growth

Many small businesses run into problems with cash flow from time to time. Since so many companies...
Invoice Factoring as Key to Successful Growth

Invoice Factoring as Key to Successful Growth

Is your business facing a cash crunch? Do you spend days wondering when you'll receive payments...
Construction Factoring for Subcontractors

Construction Factoring for Subcontractors

Subcontractors often have to run their businesses on very small profit margins. They have sizable...
How Freight Factoring Can Help You

Get Your Motor Running: How Freight Factoring Can Help You

Freight companies have substantial funding obstacles to overcome. The transportation field is...

Cash Flow Problems: 6 Ways to Speed Up the Flow

Many businesses experience cash flow problems at times throughout the year. To keep the business...