Small Business

What Happens if Your Business Gets Audited by the IRS?

How Does Transportation Factoring Work?

Nearly 7 million people work in the trucking industry, helping to move trillions of dollars worth...

Why Do Trucking Companies Use Factoring?

Why do trucking companies use factoring? There are many business financing options out there that...

How to Turn Unpaid Bills into Cash

Do you find yourself constantly waiting on customers to pay their invoices? Are you held back from...

What is Factoring?

Factoring is a financial transaction for a type of debtor financing that involves accounts...
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Surviving Your First Year in Business

As a budding entrepreneur, you have likely heard the less-than-hopeful phrase, “starving startup,”...
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Tips for Scaling Your Business Without Going Under

Scalability is an important goal for all small businesses. Scalability is a company’s ability to...
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Breaking Down Accounts Receivable Financing

If you haven’t heard of accounts receivable funding, it’s time to discover what this source of...
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Starting a Trucking Business: What You Need to Know

The trucking industry is a vital part of the American economy, supporting large and small...
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What Happens When Your Cash Flow Stalls?

It happens to the best of us – sometimes, cash flow simply isn’t strong enough to keep a business...