Small Business

What Happens if Your Business Gets Audited by the IRS?

Factor Funding Co.

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What Happens When Your Cash Flow Stalls?

It happens to the best of us – sometimes, cash flow simply isn’t strong enough to keep a business...
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Analyzing Your Business Successes (And Failures)

“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” If this Dickens’ quote sounds like a summary...
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What Should Your Next Steps Be After Factoring?

You’ve decided to factor your accounts receivable. The factor accepted your application, and now...
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Top Tips for Small Business Success in 2017

Is your business ready for 2017? The new year presents a perfect opportunity to review last year’s...

How to Run Your Small Business on a Tight Budget

Small business owners are no strangers to budget problems. When you are solely responsible for the...
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What are the Risks of Working with a Factoring Company?

Many invoice-factoring aspects are very attractive to a business in need of extra funding. Indeed,...
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Small Business Factoring: Tips for Success

Small businesses are often perfect candidates for invoice factoring. The success of factoring...
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What Businesses Can Use Purchase Order Funding?

Factoring requires a business to have invoices, or accounts receivables, available for the...
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The Ultimate Guide to Business Factoring Services

If you’re considering business factoring, you need to know several things. Invoice factoring,...