Small Business Accounts Receivable Factoring

Building a Sustainable Staffing Agency

Creating a Business Plan for Your Staffing Agency

Staffing agencies occupy a rather unique place in the business world. They employ people and send...

5 Time Saving Tips for Small Business Owners

Small business owners are some of the most under-served individuals in the commercial sector. Most...

Changing Your Business Budget: 4 Tips to a Smooth Transition

Personal and professional finance are not all that different. It's easy for habitual money habits...

Online Financing Blogs You Should be Reading

Online financing blogs are incredible resources for the busy small business owner. Once subscribes,...

Can Factoring Help Oil and Gas Companies in the Downturn?

Let's be honest. The oil and gas industry is experiencing a downturn. The years of growth have...

The Staffing Agency Guide to Customer Collections

One of the most dreaded tasks that a staffing agency owner has to do is call clients and ask them...

Can Small Business Owners Fix Financing Mistakes?

Most startup owners think they can do it all themselves. Accounting, marketing, human resources,...

Recording Accounts Receivable Funding Transactions: A Guide

Many businesses struggle to record the appropriate accounting journal entries for invoice factoring...

The History of Factoring

Businesses have long needed the ability to raise funds. In fact, as long as trading and commerce...