Small Business

What Happens if Your Business Gets Audited by the IRS?

Benefits of Invoice Factoring for Start-Ups

The Benefits of Invoice Factoring for Start-Ups

Start-up companies traditionally have serious cash flow problems for the first couple of years....

Payroll Problems? Try Invoice Factoring

Small businesses rely heavily on their employees in order to function successfully. Unfortunately,...
Slow Paying Customers

How to Deal With Slow Paying Customers: Invoice Factoring

If you're a business owner who specializes in providing goods and services you've likely dealt with...
Construction Factoring

Construction Factoring Can Help Grow Your Business

General contractors and trade specialists often operate on long-term payment schedules. Since these...
Freight Factoring

Cash Crunch: Freight Factoring Can Help Your Trucking Company

Trucking and freight companies regularly have cash flow issues. Since the expenses associated with...
Invoice Factoring vs. Invoice Discounting

Invoice Factoring vs. Invoice Discounting: Find the Best Option for Your Small Business

Many small businesses suffer from immediate cash flow problems. While these issues can cause a...
Merchant Cash Advance

Merchant Cash Advance: How it Can Help Your Business

Are you a small business owner who needs access to capital right away? Have you been turned down...

Building Business Credit to Fund Your Small Business

All small business owners know that one of the biggest obstacles to growth is lack of cash flow....
Asset Based Lending

Asset Based Lending: How Your Valuables Can Get You the Money You Need

Asset-based lending is quickly becoming a popular way for small business owners to get fast access...