Small Business

What Happens if Your Business Gets Audited by the IRS?

Factoring Can Help Your Business

Factoring Can Help Your Business: Do You Qualify?

Invoice factoring is a temporary financial arrangement for business owners who need to collect on...
Choosing a Funding Company

What to Factor when Choosing a Funding Company

If you've decided to make use of invoice factoring you might be surprised by the number of...
Invoice Factoring as Key to Successful Growth

Invoice Factoring as Key to Successful Growth

Is your business facing a cash crunch? Do you spend days wondering when you'll receive payments...
Construction Factoring for Subcontractors

Construction Factoring for Subcontractors

Subcontractors often have to run their businesses on very small profit margins. They have sizable...
Purchase Order Funding

Purchase Order Funding: Financing Your Way

Wholesale distributors, sellers and resellers often run into cash flow problems when they receive...
Grow Your Business with Invoice Factoring

Banish the Bank: Grow Your Business with Invoice Factoring

Nearly every new or small business runs into financing problems. Companies need access to financing...
How Freight Factoring Can Help You

Get Your Motor Running: How Freight Factoring Can Help You

Freight companies have substantial funding obstacles to overcome. The transportation field is...

Cash Flow Problems: 6 Ways to Speed Up the Flow

Many businesses experience cash flow problems at times throughout the year. To keep the business...
Factoring Receivables Can Help Your Business

Ways Factoring Receivables Can Help Your Business

If you're a business owner who's been unable to get approved for a bank loan you might be feeling...