Small Business

What Happens if Your Business Gets Audited by the IRS?


4 Tips to Succeed With Invoice Factoring

Invoice factoring can be the perfect solution for companies who need faster accounts receivable, go...

Who Uses Accounts Receivable Factoring?

Accounts receivable factoring is becoming an increasingly popular way for businesses to get...

Why is Accounts Receivable Funding Setup so Fast?

If you are looking for a quick way to raise cash for your business, factoring is definitely one of...

6 Questions You Should Ask Your Invoice Funding Company

Factoring is a smart way to increase cash flow for small to medium-sized businesses when more...
Business Accounts Receivable Funding

What Can My Business Use Accounts Receivable Funding For?

Smaller companies often worry about missing out on new business opportunities or even covering...

Recording Accounts Receivable Funding Transactions: A Guide

Many businesses struggle to record the appropriate accounting journal entries for invoice factoring...

The History of Factoring

Businesses have long needed the ability to raise funds. In fact, as long as trading and commerce...
Factoring Nurse Staffing

Does Factoring Work for Nurse Staffing?

Nurses are turning increasingly to staffing agencies to find employment. Many hospitals and other...
Accounts Receivable Funding Get You Organized

Can Accounts Receivable Funding Get You Organized?

The answer to the question is "Yes, factoring can get your business better organized." Before you...