Small Business

What Happens if Your Business Gets Audited by the IRS?

Overview of Typical Requirements for Invoice Factoring

It’s true that factoring can work for almost every business. Almost. Like any business partnership,...

Working With an Accounts Receivable Factoring Company: What to Expect

So you’ve heard about factoring and think it might be a good solution for your business. How do you...
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Finding Accounts Receivable Financing with a Tax Lien

Taxes are a great financial burden for business owners, and a tax lien is one of every business...

Can Accounts Receivable Financing Help You Open a Second Location?

Most business owners dream of opening a second location. It’s a definite milestone, showing you...
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Four Tips for Starting a Business in 2017

Many people have high hopes for the new year, and entrepreneurs are no exception – 2017 promises...
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What Small Businesses Need to Know About Kickstarter

If you have ever researched creative ways to fund your small business, you may have come across...
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Do Factoring Companies Handle Collections?

On your quest to bridge cash-flow gaps and get the most out of your chosen financial solution,...
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Breaking Down Accounts Receivable Financing

If you haven’t heard of accounts receivable funding, it’s time to discover what this source of...
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What Should Your Next Steps Be After Factoring?

You’ve decided to factor your accounts receivable. The factor accepted your application, and now...