Small Business Accounts Receivable Factoring

Building a Sustainable Staffing Agency

Does Factoring Work for Entrepreneurs?

Does Factoring Work for Entrepreneurs?

As any entrepreneur will tell you, getting financing for a small business or one just getting off...

Can Factoring Affect my Credit Score?

Yes and no. The actual act of factoring has no impact on your business or personal credit score as...
How Many Factoring Quotes Should You Get

How Many Factoring Quotes Should You Get?

Factoring looks like a good option for your company. You need to get a few quotes from various...
Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt Factoring

Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt Factoring

Debt factoring, also known as invoice or accounts receivable factoring, is a good way to improve...
How Much do Factoring Companies Charge

How Much do Factoring Companies Charge?

One of the sticking points for most companies interested in invoice factoring is how much it will...
Can Pharmaceutical Companies Factor

Can Pharmaceutical Companies Factor?

The simple answer is yes. If your company has creditworthy customers who pay within 90 days, you...
Late Payment Excuses

The 7 Most Common Late Payment Excuses (And How to Handle Them!)

One of your customers is late in making payment. It is not time to contact them to see what is...
What is the Factoring Recourse Period

What is the Factoring Recourse Period?

The factoring recourse period is the time that a factoring company allows for your customer to pay...
Factoring Application Rejected

My Factoring Application was Rejected - Now What?

Your application for invoice factoring got rejected. What do you now? It is never fun to get an...