Small Business

What Happens if Your Business Gets Audited by the IRS?


Does Invoice Factoring Work for Construction Subcontractors?

Subcontractors in the construction industry face a frequent problem: being paid 30 to 60 days after...

Expanding Your Business? Tips You Must Know

One goal of every business owner is to grow their enterprise. Healthy companies expand their...

4 Things Staffing Startups Need to Know

Staffing agencies supply needed personnel across various industries and in different stages of...

Financial Numbers All Business Owners Should Pay Attention To

Running a business can be a fun opportunity, but a difficult task. More often than not, business...

Does Factoring Work for Wholesalers?

Cash flow can be a main problem for wholesale businesses, particularly small and midsize ones. This...

Managing Seasonal Business Cash Flow

Off-season revenue decreases are what some businesses fear. At one point of the year, they're...
Questions to Ask Before You Start Invoice Factoring

Questions to Ask Before You Start Invoice Factoring

Invoice factoring can optimize a business’ cash flow management, providing no-strings-attached...

Tips to Avoid Slow-Paying Clients Before They Start

Every business dreads certain clients: the ones with delinquent accounts, those who make serial...

Negotiating Payment Terms With Your Customers

Customers can be the lifeblood of your business and the bane of your existence. Your company can’t...