Small Business

What Happens if Your Business Gets Audited by the IRS?

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What are the Risks of Working with a Factoring Company?

Many invoice-factoring aspects are very attractive to a business in need of extra funding. Indeed,...
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Small Business Factoring: Tips for Success

Small businesses are often perfect candidates for invoice factoring. The success of factoring...
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What Businesses Can Use Purchase Order Funding?

Factoring requires a business to have invoices, or accounts receivables, available for the...
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The Ultimate Guide to Business Factoring Services

If you’re considering business factoring, you need to know several things. Invoice factoring,...
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Choosing the Right Factoring Company for Small Businesses

Sometimes nothing about a small business feels small. Debt, loan repayments, and financial...
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Does Factoring Work for Nurse Staffing Companies?

Factoring is the ideal financial solution for businesses across many industries. From retail to...

How to Improve Your Factoring Application

If you’re applying for factoring, you’ve done your research and concluded that factoring is the...
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Growing a Restaurant With Factoring

Invoice and accounts receivable factoring is an excellent way to grow any business. With experts...
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How Purchase Order Financing Rates Work

One financing method that has recently gained popularity with product wholesalers and re-sellers is...