Do you find yourself constantly waiting on customers to pay their invoices? Are you held back from...
Factoring is a financial transaction for a type of debtor financing that involves accounts...
It’s true that factoring can work for almost every business. Almost. Like any business partnership,...
So you’ve heard about factoring and think it might be a good solution for your business. How do you...
Increasing numbers of small businesses are opening every day. With the economic crash of 2008, the...
At Factor Funding, we work with a number of amazing staffing companies. And while we try our best...
There is no way to avoid the mountain of red tape that comes with starting your own business....
As a budding entrepreneur, you have likely heard the less-than-hopeful phrase, “starving startup,”...
Just as the slow drip of a leaky faucet can end in thousands of gallons of wasted water, a slight...